GoPro Villain // RE-BRANDING

GoPro Villain

Branding / Logo Design / Product Design

GoPro© creates some of the best action sports cameras on the market today. This is my redesign to the GoPro Hero 3+ and its predecessors — Introducing the GoPro Villain. With a beautiful minimalist design that combines sleek lines, a stylishly cut LED settings display, and a 100% waterproof -NO case titanium housing.

Responsible for all 3D modeling, texturing, lighting, and rendering.

//3DS Max, V-Ray, Photoshop

-Created with fellow Designer: Casey Ouye

Because you can’t have a Hero without a Villain

The standard case that comes with the camera seemed very delicate to me, especially when I would switch from the skeleton housing to a waterproof casing. However, once doing so the audio suffered significantly. I decided to part ways with the bulky shell and redesign the case using laser etched nanoscale patterns on materials such as titanium and platinum. These miniature cuts were created in such a way that it prevented the water molecules from adhering to the surface, thus omitting the need for an external housing while allowing for optimized audio recording.

Water Resistant Metals


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